


書名 出版社 出版地 備考 邦題 訳者 邦訳出版社 邦訳出版年
Collectivist Economic Planning: Critical Studies on the Possibility of Socialism
Routledge London ed.
Individualism and Economic Order (IEO) Routledge London 個人主義と経済秩序 嘉治元郎・嘉治佐代 春秋社 1990
1988 The Fatal Conceit Routledge London CW1

タイトル 掲載雑誌 巻・号 再録 備考
1947 Opening Address to a Conference at Mont Pelerin April 1 SPPE
1949 The Intellectuals and Socialism The Univ. Chicago Law reivew vol 16 no.3, Spring SPPE
1957 What is 'Social'? WHat Does it Mean? Masse und Demokratie ed. by A Hunold SPPE
1970 The Errors of Constructivism inaugural lectureat the Paris-Lodron Jan 27 NS
1974 The Pretence of Knowledge Nobel Memorial Lecture at Stockholm Dec 11 NS
1976 The Atavism of Social Justice R.C. Mills Memorial Lecture at Univ. SYdney 9th, Oct. 6 NS
1976 Socialism and Science lecture, Canberra branch ESAN Oct. 19 Social Justice Socialism & Democracy
1972 The Campaign Against Keynesian Inflation Hobart Paperback, IEA 4 NS Tiger by Tail
1976 The New Confusion About 'Planning' The Morgan Guaranty Survey, New York, Jan NS
